Tractor Parade of Lights

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One of the first items on the agenda when visiting Vermont around Christmas was the Tractor Parade of Lights. Yes – tractors! I’m from a county in Northern Vermont where dairy farming is prominent. Tractors, cows and the smell of fresh manure are common. Each June, we have a June Dairy Day Festival to honor the hard-working farmers. This holiday season, the farmers helped everyone to celebrate with a parade of lights.

The first annual event was held on Main Street in St. Albans followed by festivities at the Co-op including visits with Santa, a couple of elves and even a cow (costumed), which was my nieces favorite part. Before the event, I brought my older niece to the store to pick out some canned goods to donate to the food shelf, as suggested. This is a great event for families and to show children at a young age what it means to give back.

As for the tractors and lights, I’ll let the pictures tell the story. It was pretty hectic so not all the photos came out perfect from where we were but it gives a peek into next years festivities!

Today I’m linking up with Communal Global, The Jenny EvolutionPhotography Essentials,  and Create With Joy for {Wordless Wednesday}.

12 thoughts on “Tractor Parade of Lights

    1. Diana Post author

      Mason would LOVE it! There’s got to be somewhere around here that does something similar (I would think). This state is huge. It’d be hard to believe if it didn’t exist!

  1. Lisa

    We attended this last year and had soo much fun. Sadly, we moved to Florida so we will miss it this year which makes my daughter very sad. She keeps asking when it is going to snow….we are in South Florida…probably not going to happen. It snows about every ten years in North FL!!

    1. Diana Post author

      I feel you. I’m actually in Texas and was home last year and caught the parade. Unfortunately, I’ll be missing it this year. There’s nothing quite like a white Christmas. Perhaps, you can find her some fake snow or something semi-wintery to make her feel better! Merry Christmas!


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