Hyatt Lost Pines – The Food

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I’ve mentioned quite a bit about how beautiful and fun the outdoor atmosphere is at the Hyatt Lost Pines but I’m leaving something incredibly important out… the food (and I’m not even kidding.)

The Hyatt Lost Pines have a few dining options at their resort. I had the please of eating at the Firewheel Café and if you have the opportunity to dine there, do not pass it up!

When walking into the restaurant, as with the rest of the resort, you get the outdoors, indoors. It is especially apparent in the restaurant with large windows and special features throughout. One of the special features is the painted glass windows featuring some of the native flowers in the area (painted by a local artist). You will find yourself looking at them. They’re beautiful. Comfortable, relaxing, perfect for a solo, couple or family / group meal.

To get the most out of what was to offer (so I could share it with all of you) – I got the buffet. For $24.99, this all you can eat feast is well worth the price (if not for the dessert alone) and allows you to try a little bit of everything.

Warning: Do not judge by the amount of food that I tried (and I did go hiking prior to dinner so I’ll use that as an excuse of how I burned up an appetite).

Salad Bar – Everything is prepared. Three types of leafs, mushrooms, green peppers, tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, carrots, eggs, croutons and by all means try out the raspberry vinaigrette!

Bread and Cheese – Three types of breads, two types of cheese. I mean, you really can’t go wrong with bread and cheese.

Main Dishes and Sides
Sweet Potato Casserole – This.Was.Perfection. The absolute best sweet potato casserole I’ve ever had. Sweet, but not overly sweet and was as smooth as could be.

Grilled Salmon was well done, flaky and moist.
Grilled Chicken
Sliced Beef – We are in Texas, right? It was extremely moist and I suggest pairing it with the BBQ sauce.

Jalapeno Corn Chowder – Creamy, creamy and delicious. I’ve noticed this as a Texas staple since I’ve moved here so everyone from out-of-state must try. When in Texas, do as the Texans do.

Baked Potato Bar
I think this may have been the first time I’ve seen this at a buffet (or maybe I just don’t frequent enough buffets). Regular baked potato or a sweet baked potato with all the fixings. I didn’t have enough room to try this but I’m going to take a guess and say it was pretty tasty. When is a loaded baked potato not savory? … Exactly.

Don’t judge.
I have a sweet tooth and well, I have a sweet tooth. To be honest, I’m pretty sure I tried almost all of these. I mean, a girl can taste right (plus don’t forget I went hiking prior to dinner). Plus, all the desserts were in the “Mini” version, so it’s ok, right?!

Red velvet whoopie pie, pecan pie tart, lemon square, fresh whip cream, apple cobbler, brownies, lemon tarts and my favorite, the maple panna cotta. It tasted like maple pudding consistency but not an overwhelming maple flavor with fresh whip cream and a blackberry on top.

If dinner isn’t enough for you, each night in the large fire pits outside, you can enjoy s’mores, an outdoor favorite. (I obviously had to pass.)

Other Dining Options:
Stories Fine Dining – Elegant dining.
Old Bucks Place – Next to the pool, enjoy some fresh BBQ.
Shellers Barrelhouse Bar – Rustic, Austin inspired atmosphere. (Go here for nightlife.)
Major Neighbors Grill – Take the golf experience inside at the clubhouse.
McCade’s Emporium and Ice Cream Saloon – General Store feel, breakfast, candy and ice cream treats.

Note: For extra savings, be sure to check in with FourSquare. I believe I got a free beverage at McCade’s with my first check-in. Don’t pass it up!

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Disclaimer: I was not compensated but did receive a complimentary meal at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa in return for this post. All photos and opinions are 100% my own.

4 thoughts on “Hyatt Lost Pines – The Food

  1. Sarah Shumate

    Oooh, I love a good buffet! Those desserts look divine! I have a sweet tooth, myself. :o)

    One of Cory’s work functions had a potato bar at it a few years ago. I’d never seen anything like it until then, but it was like heaven for me!


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