Supporting Your Alum

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Or in this case supporting fellow, future Alumni.

Even though I now live 2,000 miles from home which is around the same distance to where I attended college, I still check out the news back home in Vermont. This morning, there was an article that caught my eye.

Four Champlain College seniors, who are going by “The Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan” are planning on taking part in the Mongol Rally. What is the Mongol Rally? Well honestly, I never heard of it until now either. The Mongol Rally begins in London this July. The “Adventurists” (you’ll see why I’m calling them that in a second) will travel 10,000 miles to Mongolia. Along the way, they will travel the most rugged terrain, mountains, deserts, you name it they will probably hit it. These Adventurists basically need a car and can take any route they desire to get to their final destination.

But there’s a twist…

The Mongol Rally asks that each team participating donate money to charity (about $1,600 US). Pretty awesome, right? The Mongol Rally asks that half raised be donated to Cool Earth and the other half to a donation of your choice which the group has chosen as Safe Passage.

Although, this all sounds pretty like a pretty incredible adventure to embark on before entering “the real world”, it doesn’t come cheap. There’s a flight, charity donations, VISA’s, buying a car, ensuring said car, registering the car in the countries they plan to drive through, not to mention everyday essentials such as food and gas. The Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan has set up a site for donations on the below site. If you would like to support their efforts or learn more about these four guys and follow their adventure – please check out the link below.

Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan Donation Page
Mongol Rally
Newspaper Article

Good luck guys!

1 thought on “Supporting Your Alum

  1. blueeyedgrizzlyclan

    Hey Wilson Slader from the Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan, happened upon this post and have to say thanks. Any coverage is great. We have a fundraising website that is about to end that has a bunch of information on our trip. we also have started a blog that we will be improving and updating during the trip. Glad to hear people are interested. Here are the links to our website.

    Wilson Slader
    Blue Eyed Grizzly Clan
    Champlain College Class of 2013


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