Chicken Enchiladas

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I’m conquering recipes one by one! As with the brisket, I was semi-terrified to make enchiladas. Don’t laugh, we’ve all come across some kind of recipe that we’re scared to attempt. Maybe it’s because we’re nervous about living up to expectations or that it won’t turn out as you like it. Regardless, I’ve tackled another hurdle. Chicken enchiladas!
Have you heard of The Girl Who Ate Everything? It’s a great website full of recipes, any kind of recipes. This is where I found this great one for Creamy Chicken Enchiladas. It’s super easy, don’t get intimidated! This is not my last enchilada attempt, that’s for sure. There will be more to come!
1 Tbsp. butter
1 (10 ounce) can Rotel tomatoes and green chilies, drained
1 (8 ounce) pkg Cream Cheese, cut up and softened
2 cups chopped, cooked Chicken Breast (cooked however you like)
8 (8 inch) Flour Tortillas
2 cups Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
1 cup Whipping Cream
(optional) 1/2 cup salsa verde (spicier version)
1. Cook chicken however you desire. Crock pot, boil, bake, bbq, etc.
2. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add Rotel and saute for 1 minute.
3. Stir in Cream Cheese and Chicken and cook, stirring constantly as the cream cheese melts.
4. Add about 3 Tbsp. of the chicken mixture down each tortilla. Roll up and place them seam side down in a sprayed baking dish.
5. Sprinkle with Monterrey Jack cheese.
6. Drizzle with whipping cream and salsa verde.
7. Cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Take off foil and cook for another 10-15 minutes, or until cheese is golden.
I actually added some salsa to my chicken mixture to spice it up a bit. Next time, I’m going to use a little spicier rotel and try to flavor the chicken a bit more to give the meal a little bigger kick.
My chicken was boiled and then shredded. The shredded chicken in an enchiladas is perfect.
I didn’t use the entire 1 cup of whipped cream which is my fault for not following the recipe.
Overall – Diana and Sy approved! We’ll be trying different variations of this recipe, maybe with even some brisket! Yum.
Be sure to head on over to The Girl Who Ate Everything to find a printable version of this recipe and many more recipes!

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