Miami, FL

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A few years ago, the Kardashian’s didn’t have anything on Miami like we did. Two co-workers and myself traveled down to Miami as part of a company wide business trip. We left behind the snowy, chilly weather of a typical February in New England and departed for sensational Miami!

We flew Jet Blue (great airline) and had a layover in NYC, because there are no direct flights out of Vermont to go anywhere farther than D.C. (probably not true but it sure feels like it sometimes). We stayed on our flight, waiting for the passengers to board to head to our final destination. The pilot was nice enough to come back and show us a few magic tricks, even though he refused to tell me how he pulled them off. A little while later, we arrived my first sighting of palm trees and flatness. Toto, I don’t think we’re in Vermont anymore.

Our company was gracious enough to accommodate our stay in The Diplomat, Westin Hotel. The most high end hotel that I’ve had the privilege of staying in thus far. The Diplomat was beyond beautiful. We were greeted by a bell hopper who helped us out of our car and held the door to the hotel open for us. The lobby was beyond phenomenal with palm trees, fountains and a grand view of the ocean. Various fine dining restaurants can be found in each corner for the lobby.

The Diplomat, is situated between the Atlantic and intercoastal canals and the views are fantastic. (Be sure to ask for a room on the intercoastal side! Thank me later!)

First thing was first, we had to check out our room. Holy moly – the views were ridiculous and frankly, so wasn’t the room. From the large soaking tub I could look out over the bed and see the canal and the city!

When we finally had a chance, we tried to check out some of the amenities available. The pool area outside was gorgeous! (See the pictures on the website.)
But why go in the pool when you can go into the ocean! It was so nice to hit the beach after a winter in Vermont. The Diplomat is also within walking distance to the boardwalk where you will find souvenir shops, restaurants and most importantly its a prime people watching site.
After all the fun outside you are bound to get a little hungry. We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to dine at the Hollywood Prime Restaurant. This was the best feast I could have imagined. Wine, seafood, steaks, and the BEST lobster tail. It was delicious. If you would like to venture out of the hotel (although at this point I’m sure you are questioning whether there is a point to) there are more restaurant options across the street. The Diplomat has its own bridge so you will not have to mess with playing Frogger thru the traffic. We also ventured across the way, stopping at a very nice restaurant that New Englanders would feel out of place in. Everything was solid white, there were even beds against the back wall if you prefer to eat your meal in a bed(?).

 The overall experience was great. If I had to pay for this out of my pocket is is on the higher end of the scale but if you really want to treat yourself this is the way to go. We later found out that the day we left, one of the teams playing in the SuperBowl was moving in. That’s right, the NFL loves The Diplomat too!

I never get why hotels dismiss the 13th floor. You are not fooling anyone, there is not a 13th floor that is empty folks. 

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