This week, we are headed to Vermont! I’m so excited to be going home and introducing Spencer to the Green Mountain State! I may be bias but its my favorite! Fresh air, food fresh out of the garden, dirt roads, a sky full of stars, those Green Mountains, the best craft beer in the world, family, life-long friends, two little nieces – it doesn’t get much better!
Living away from home, there’s certain things that I really look forward to when visiting. Obviously, first and foremost is family and friends. Then there’s certain things that I crave when away or sights that you just miss seeing.
A creemee.
This soft serve ice cream is THE BEST and my favorite. I’m not kidding, I could eat one everyday. A variety of flavors, maple, black raspberry, and orange are a few favorites. Add on rainbow sprinkles and its the best dessert in the world. Yum!
Being in the country!
Fresh air, few people, a night sky full of stars. Country loving.
Standing on top of a mountain.
It’s some kind of a feeling standing on top of a tall mountain with the world below.
[Below: Mt. Mansfield hike with Green Mountain Man]
Covered bridges.
Oh Vermont, so scenic in every way. These definitely are not found everywhere!
[Learn more on the post on The Covered Bridges in Montgomery, VT]

This is not how it looks in May – don’t be fooled!
Cows and Subaru’s.
I’m fairly certain there’s an equal number of each in Vermont. I love them both equally!
What are some of the images that first come to mind when you think of home?