Tag Archives: Memories

5 Years Ago Today

Five years ago today, I was here in Texas to be a bridesmaid in my college friend’s wedding. (Today would have been the rehearsal, tomorrow the wedding.) In my mindset, I was ready to move away from Vermont onto somewhere new but where that “somewhere new” was, I wasn’t quite sure. I had just finished visiting a different college friend in Colorado and wandering around Colorado and Southern Wyoming before I flew into Dallas-Ft. Worth for the festivities. Little did I know how much my life was about to change.Wedding 122

Via Terrell Family Fun
At the wedding, I met a ton of great people and was having such a great time. Then they found out that I was thinking about moving and began their conspiring and convincing escapades to get me down here. In the end it came down to moving somewhere where I knew no one or moving somewhere where I (now) knew a group of people. Well, Texas won out. I arrived in Texas on St. Patrick’s Day in 2008 on a leap of faith, a car full of belongings and without a job.
Here I am, five years later – still in Texas. I was never sure how long I planned on being here but I’m still not ready to leave (sorry family). I’ve seen and experienced things that I never would’ve been able to back in New England. I’ve made some great friendships along the way, witnessed beautiful weddings and met new, cute little babies. I guess it goes to show that sometimes, taking a leap of faith can turn out to be a great thing.
Go Rangers!
Texas just wouldn’t be Texas without Longhorns.
Texas also wouldn’t be Texas without live music!
The Lumineers may have been the best show ever.

Christmas time is one of the best times. People really go all out decorating!


US Women’s Soccer!
(Burrr, that was a COLD day.)
Have I ever mentioned how fantastic the food is down here?!
I can’t even remember what life was like (food wise) before BBQ.
Absolutely love those small Texas towns.
Dallas – Ft. Worth From the Air
This isn’t even a fraction of what’s gone on. It’s been a great ride!
Congrats Heather & Kyle on five years!
Do you remember what you were doing five years ago?

Something Sweet

Considering this past weekend was Maple Weekend in Vermont, I find it appropriate that I touch upon my roots.

Some of my earliest memories take place on my grandparents old farm, just down the street from where I grew up. To give you a sense of how young I was, they sold the farm when I was three. The fact that I have memories of this beautiful time amazes me. (Especially considering I have a hard time remembering things from last week.) Each spring they would tap the trees, hang the buckets and boil that sweet sap.

One of my earliest memories was in the middle of the woods. My Pepere had a wagon with a huge sap tank hooked up to the tractor. We were going thru the woods, collecting the sap from the buckets to bring back to the sugarhouse. I happened to fall off the wagon and just saw them driving away. I started screaming, I mean – I thought they were going to leave me out there! Who in their right mind would leave such a cute little girl?! Then my Uncle Mario came and swept me up and brought me back to the wagon. Aww memories.

Then there are the memories of hanging out in the sugarhouse. Sitting on my great memere’s lap, surrounded by great aunts, great uncles and cousins. The heat from the wood stove, keeping the sap boiling and the chill in the air from the cold Vermont winter outside. Having that first taste of hot maple syrup, piping fresh! Close family and friends gathered together, passing the time, telling stories and catching up on life. Sugaring season is a season of its own. It’s special in so many ways. It brings people together and bring everyone the sweet treat of maple syrup.

Maple Syrup is made throughout the Northeast, Canada, as far west as Minnesota and as far south as West Virginia. When the snow starts to melt, the sap starts running and you better believe that the sugarmakers are getting excited.

If you are around the maple syrup region, be sure to keep an eye out for open houses, festivals and if you are really interested just stop by a sugar house. Sugarmakers are proud of what they do and I’m sure that they wouldn’t mind showing you around and teaching you about how they make the stuff that we all love! And if you are lucky, they will pour you a cup of hot, fresh maple syrup!