Tag Archives: Memories

And March 2013 Comes to a Close

I’m going to apologize. I think this is the third post that’s basically been a recap. I promise I have great things in store for you, life has just caught up to me. First, what’s coming up…. I have a few trips planned! One involves fast cars and most likely many rednecks. The other involves a trip to one of my favorite areas of Texas where I plan on relaxing and exploring. They go hand in hand really and I’m in need of a much needed vacation. Did I say much needed? I can’t stress this enough (no pun intended). Plus lots of exciting things after that but I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself here!

Now for the recap! The past two weeks have been so much fun! A whirlwind of fun.

First, a wedding! Remember the bachelorette party I mentioned a few posts back? Yes, the one where we wore tutu’s out in public, that one…. well they went and did it and got hitched!

The Wednesday before the wedding, us ladies went out to Fort Worth for an evening of live Texas Country and some drinks. It was a great time!

Then came the wedding on Saturday. Since I was in the wedding, I didn’t have an opportunity to take pictures of anything. In fact, I have no pictures to show for the wedding day at all, except these. The wedding venue was in the Texas country! Seriously, you would’ve thought that I was the one getting married. Could’ve fooled me. I took these from the second floor of the home where we were getting ready.

I’m going to say the wedding was just about perfect. It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had at a wedding and the most beautiful. The bride and her mom made everything, from the invitations to the thank you notes. Every tiny detail was looked at and went together perfectly. I’ll try to see if I can get some pictures of the details and share with you later on.

Here is the bride, prior to the new last name! (Can I seriously be so proud that I took this picture?!) She looked stunning and I’m so happy and thankful that I was part of their big day!

Finally, how can we forget last Sunday was Easter?! I have a friend from home living about 15-20 minutes away and they so graciously invited me to spend Easter with them and their family. There’s never a dull moment with this bunch, I love it! An annual Easter tradition is the Easter egg toss. What would Easter be without a competition and some gambling, right?

Here’s how it works. You pay $1-2 for an egg (not boiled) and grab a partner. You start off close, about 6-8 feet apart and each team goes down the line tossing the egg to each other. You must catch it with your hands. Once everyone in the row has had a turn, each person takes two steps back (4 steps back for each team) and you do it all over again. Drop your egg, you’re out. The last team who still has their egg, wins the pot. If everyone’s eggs break the last round, the pot carries over to the next game. It’s kind of funny when it’s time to go to the park and do this because everyone starts changing their clothes. This is mess business y’all!

March 2013

Well, I’m not sure about all of you but March has gone by too fast. I can’t believe it is the last week! THE LAST WEEK! Ugh, it seems like just a couple days ago this month was just starting!
So to end the month, I thought I’d show off a few pictures on this “kinda” Wordless Wednesday.
Live music in a Mexican restaurant in Fort Worth. They were singing “Hey, Good Lookin'”.
Hockey! I can’t get enough! As much as I love the Dallas Stars as a local team, my heart is with the Montreal Canadiens!
I’ve never been much of a runner but these afternoon run / walks are really starting to catch on. I love finding a not so crowded place in what sometimes seems like the most crowded place ever. It’s silent and full of natural beauty (and occasional armadillos).
Have I mentioned the Keith Mitchell Band in Ft. Worth? They’re awesome and put on a great show! I saw them earlier this month at the World’s Largest Honky Tonk!
Care packages. I love those too! This one came from my parents but in all honesty I can’t remember if it was in February or March. Oh what the heck! I got a great note, a maple candy moose, a CDL maple equipment t-shirt and some hot chicken sandwich and poutine mix from ole Canada! By the way, have you ever had those maple cookies?! They will melt your heart! Sooo good!
And finally a little note for the week!

March Recap

The past two weekends have been busy, busy, busy! Work, weekends, weeknights, the whole nine yards!
The second weekend of March I headed down to Houston for the annual Brown Family Crawfish boil. I love this family. They are so much fun to hang out with, it’s like having my own big, Southern family. (Which is kind of how I view everyone down here.) As always, it was a great time. Half the fun is driving down to Houston, driving through the Texas country and thru the little towns.

While in Houston, I had lunch with a friend that I went to high school with and haven’t seen in ten years. Seriously, ten years. She now lives in Houston and is expecting a little baby boy in April (isn’t that baby bump adorable?!). After graduating from a class of 28, what are the chances that three of us would be living in Texas ten years later?! It was really great catching up with her and meeting her husband!

The Annual Brown Family Crawfish Boil was full of food and fun. Apples to Apples is one of my favorites!

Weekdays at home.
(L-R, Top-Bottom)
1. The armadillo that I’ve seen that wasn’t roadkill on the side of the road on my run one afternoon.
2-3. Double Fortune? Yes please!
4. View along my run.

This past weekend, a group of us headed to Shreveport, Louisiana for a bachelor / bachelorette party. Us girls stepped up the class a bit. Check out my homemade tutu! (I can include this on my bucket list!) It was a lot of fun. Sure we got some crazy looks from a few but I mean, we look seriously cute if I don’t say so myself! I’d totally do it again!

AND if you are ever in Shreveport, check out the Blind Tiger Restaurant. Seriously, I didn’t hear one complaint from our group about dinner (there were 14 of us and some of us ended up going back the next day for lunch). Below is a picture of the crab cakes with a crawfish sauce on top. Savory greatness!

Well, that’s the bulk of it! I’m hoping to lock myself in my apartment this weekend and get this blog on a roll! I’m working on a new website / layout for y’all plus I’ve got a lot of great upcoming events including a wedding, NASCAR and something that I’m most excited about – a trip to the Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop, TX!

Stay tuned y’all!