Disclaimer: I was not paid for this post however I did receive tickets to the event in return for the publication. As always, all opinions are my own. #FWFWF #DessertAfterDark #FortWorthTX #LateNight
The second day of the Fort Worth Food and Wine Festival consisted of the Grand Tasting and for those with a sweeter tooth, Dessert After Dark. Held at the astounding 802 Vickery venue, an evening of TX Whiskey based desserts and cocktails ensued.
Dessert After Dark held one rule constant, each item featured had to incorporate Fort Worth’s own TX Whiskey into the mix. With creativity and ingenuity, these chefs and bartenders stepped up to the plate and delivered some incredible items. Each guest was given two voting chips when they arrived to the event, one for a favorite beverage and the other for their favorite food.
Where to start? Let’s just start out with the food. Everything from ice cream, pies, macaroons, chocolate and pies. It’s a dessert heaven! There’s a key to all of these, take a small bite of each in order to experience them all! (My favorite? The whiskey ball featured above.)

Dude, Sweet Chocolate
We can’t forget our beverages can we? The the desserts, each mixed cocktail must feature TX Whiskey. This is where everyone became really creative and where we realized that grapefruit is the perfect addition to a whiskey beverage (and it can be used in so many ways!). If there’s grapefruit, that means we can just have one of these for breakfast, right?

Our favorite drink of the evening!
The event was a fantastic way to end the evening. With plenty of room, an amazing outdoor venue, friendly people – if this sounds like your kind of party, this is the event for you. Our only fore-warning is the beverage lines took a little time as drinks were being prepared fresh. On the flip side, drinks were being prepared fresh!
Did you attend the #LateNight Desserts After Dark? If so, what was your favorite?
A full recap of our experience at the Fort Wort Food and Wine Festival as well as links to the other events can be found, here.