I’ve Created A List…

Today marks a month since I’ve turned 30. In the past, I’ve typically done lists of items to accomplish by my next birthday but the last couple years, I’ve focused primarily on me and becoming more of the person I want to be. Although that’s a challenge in and among itself, that doesn’t mean that I don’t love achieving other goals and that’s what this list is all about.

I have a few items that I want to challenge myself to. More or less shorter term goals that will be stepping stones into leading me to where I’m meant to go and letting go of fears. Being scared often times holds us back in life, things from the past where we can’t quite let go but why should we sometimes – they’ve got us to where we are today, right? It’s how to use them to our benefit and lead us to a better place, right?

I heard this quote the other day and it’s been on my mind ever since…

“The light can only shine thru broken vessels.”

  • Take a couple classes that are challenging to conquer a fear. I’m terrified of heights but love being outside. The more I looked into this, the more I thought I could do it and maybe actually enjoy it. – Rock climbing
  • Splurge a little. Buy something that I’ve wanted but isn’t necessarily a need but a want. Something that I will enjoy. Will it be a new pair of boots? A kayak? A puppy? Probably not a puppy considering I live in an apartment but maybe someday. I’ll work on this one.
  • Plan ahead and make homemade Christmas gifts.
  • Start that Etsy store.
  • Leave the bubble. I have this comfort bubble that I hate to leave. We’re going to pop it, at least for a little bit. Maybe an hour, maybe a day. Small steps.
  • Try to find my career. I want a job that is rewarding, challenging and where I would feel as if my contributions really matter.

What would you put on your list?

Adventures with Green Mountain Man… Fairfield Pond Edition

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

Each time I have an opportunity to go home to Vermont, I try to have a day of sibling bonding with my brother, Green Mountain Man. We’ve gone canoeing, fishing, hiking, summit the highest peak in Vermont (Mount Mansfield), traveled back country roads and just plain gotten silly. It’s one of the best times.

This past August, we spent the morning out on Fairfield Pond. Talk about a gorgeous morning! The water was calm and clear, the scenery breathtaking (as usual), and we had few guests. The most annoying one being this guy who kept landing on my shirt.

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond, Dragonfly

Our other guests looked like this…

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

More so, we paddled around…
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond…checked out the camps…
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond…wished I owned a camp…
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond …took photos of the camps…
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond…and wished I owned a camp.
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield PondDid I mention I’d really like to have a camp on a lake? Maybe someday. This may be my spot.

All along, we were fishin’! I love to fish. If you ask my brother, he’ll tell you I don’t know how to fish. I’m impatient or I yank too hard and pull the hook right of the fish’s mouth. I mean, I guess I just have unbearable strength, right?
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield PondAt one point, Green Mountain Man had hooked a good one for me and when I went to reel it in I knew it hadn’t been a little tiny fish like we had been catching (see above). So I’m reeling it in, Green Mountain Man goes to grab the net and then that darn fish jumped and unhooked himself. Gasp! The disappointment! It’s all good though because they were biting left and right and although a little on the smaller side, it’s the fun of being out there!

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

Sometimes the best getaway is to go fishin’!

Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

Seriously, the morning was perfect. Why would you want to be anywhere else?
Vermont, Canoeing, fishing, Fairfield Pond

Vermont Roadside Pets

August went by so fast and I was lucky enough to visit Vermont for almost two weeks! Today, I’m sharing a couple shots from my roadside travels!

#Vermont #horse #farmers #franklincounty #Vermont #Animals #Cows #Dairy #DairyFarmers #Vermont #Animals #Cows #Dairy #DairyFarmers #Vermont #Animals #Cows #Dairy #DairyFarmers

Today I’m linking up with Communal Global, Photography Essentials and Create With Joy for {Wordless Wednesday}.