Category Archives: Uncategorized

Boxes, Boxes and More Boxes

I apologize for not putting in a “fun” post about recent travels but I’m moving this weekend. As I think we all know, it’s not a whole lot of fun so check back in next week for more posts hopefully about crafts, Vermont, fall and great food! (That’s what I’m planning on anyway!)

In the meantime, please tell me what you have planned for this upcoming weekend! It’ll give me something great to think about while I’m moving boxes! I’m gong to live vicariously thru you all this weekend! 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone!

Liebster Award

Thank you Heather at Terrell Family Fun for nominating me for the Liebster Award! Whoohoo!

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers with 200 followers or less. This is an award given to bloggers by bloggers to give a bit of encouragement and to recognize them for their devotion to blogging and continuing success. It’s really nice to be noticed for working on a blog as those of us who do, it’s hard work (but lots of fun)!

When receiving the award, you are to post eleven random facts about you and answer eleven questions from the person who nominated you.

My random facts:

  • My first language was French. I didn’t speak English until I started Kindergarten.
  • I still have a very old cell phone, it’s a flip phone that I got in 2007.
  • I played softball from as early as I can remember until I graduated high school.
  • There were no sports where I went to college.
  • I LOVE doing home renovation projects however I don’t live in a home of my own.
  • I LOVE mowing the lawn. My parents save this for me everytime I go home to visit.
  • I recently became God Mother to my niece, Jolynn.
  • I hate socks. Never liked them. Well lets just say the same about things on my feet in general.
  • I love the mountains and snowboarding. There is nothing more relaxing than hitting the slopes first thing in the morning after a night of fresh powder.
  • Amusement rides that go upside down terrify me.
  • I grew up going to Canada all the time to visit family and never thought it was a big deal until college when people started making it a point that I was actually going to a different country.

Heather asked me the following questions:
1.Why did you start blogging?
I moved 2,000 miles away from my family wanted a way to show them all the things I was checking out. When I got “old” I wanted to make sure that I had a way of showing my family (and myself) all the things that I did during my life.
2.What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A teacher.
3.What do you think your kid(s) will be when they grow up {if you have a kid!}
I don’t have a child at the moment but I hope that they do what makes them happy and explore what the world has to offer as much as they can.
4.Are you planning on going to BlogHer? Have you gone before? What is your goal for going?
I would LOVE to go to BlogHer next year! I’ve never gone but I would really love to meet other travel and food bloggers and hear their stories and experiences!
5.What is your favorite TV show?
I really love Big Bang Theory. Can we all start singing Soft Kitty for Sheldon?!
6.What is one food you could never live without?
Does maple syrup count?
7.Are you named after anyone?
I think my mom heard my name on a soap opera… my middle name is after my mom.
8.If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
Ugh, this one is so hard. I want to go everywhere. Besides going everywhere in the US, I would really like to go to England, France and Ireland.
9.What is the best vacation you ever took?
My trip home to meet my niece for the first time.
10.What is one thing you would love to do with your blog?
Be able to inspire people to go out and try something new and random that they wouldn’t typically check out. There is so much to see out there!

The next part of the award is to nominate five bloggers and to ask them questions. My nominees are:
Skinny Jeans and Chai Latte
Gypsy in Jasper
A Crooked Trail
City Girl Gone Ranch Mama
The Blog Scoop

1. Why do you blog?
2. Are you planning on attending BlogHer 2013?
3. Where is your favorite places to visit?
4. Where is your favorite places to eat?
5. If you could go anywhere on vacation, where would you go?
6. What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve experienced thru your blog?
7. What’s one of your goals for the next year?
8. What’s your guilty pleasure?
9. If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
10. Do you have any Sunday routines?
11. In five years, where would you like to see yourself?

That is the Liebster Award! It’s a great way to get to know your fellow bloggers (and vise versa). If you would rather not join, that’s ok! If you do want to participant, start thinking of some random facts and answers and nominate some of the blogs that you love!