Category Archives: Photography

Lightscoop Review & Giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a Lightscoop for reviewing purposes. As always, the opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Photography is one of my most favorite things to do (if you haven’t noticed)! Taking photos with a flash is not. In the past, I’ve become frustrated when taking photos inside ( hello dark lit restaurants), at night or with friends in a dimly lit room. Times have changed y’all!

Professor Kobre’s Lightscoop is a mirror for your camera flash which deflects the flash from the subject of your shot. The Lightscoop device is placed in front of your flash, the light is deflected off the mirror of the Lightscoop, reflected off the walls and ceiling which brightens the subject (indirectly).


Thus, your picture will not be incredibly light, your friends will not be blinded and your fear and frustration of taking these photos will disappear!

Take a look at these photos – I shot them in completely dark rooms. You’d never know!


Shot from my kitchen, no lights.


Closet. Pitch dark.


Would you have any idea that this room was completely dark?

With our natural sunlight time getting shorter everyday, this will come incredibly handy in taking those inside photos this winter and fall and is also a great gift for the holidays.

Save now: Code: DHT2013Fall to save 15% until 10/31!!!

To help you out, we’re giving away a free Lightscoop! Sign up below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

WW: Beauty

This week for Wordless Wednesday, I thought I would just provide a peek at a couple photos that I love of most recent. Hope you enjoy!

Covered BridgeOne of the many covered bridges in Montgomery, VT. A Vermont staple. (Keep an eye out for a post in the near future showing many more!)

SunflowerSights on my recent runs. With beautiful blue skies and the feel of fall closing in, in the air. These are beauties!

Today I’m linking up with The Paper Mama, Jenni From the Blog, Seven Clown Circus, Photography Essentials and Communal Global for{Wordless Wednesday}.

WW: Views From the Rail Trail

The first weekend I was home, I brought my niece on what was suppose to be a run (I never realized how much harder it was to run with a stroller) on the rail trail. (The rail trail is where the railroad use to go thru in our area which has since been converted to a walking trail.) The views are gorgeous. Pictures, no matter how great they come out, do it no justice. You’ll just have to come see them for yourself.

These were taken along Route 105 in Enosburg Falls, right before coming into Berkshire.

Rail Trail 003 Rail Trail 027 Rail Trail 038Today I’m linking up with The Paper Mama, Jenni From the Blog, Seven Clown Circus, Photography Essentials and Communal Global for{Wordless Wednesday}.