Category Archives: Music

My Almost Run-In With A Childhood Idol

Back in 2007, I was living in downtown Burlington, VT. My first year out of college, I was within walking distance to the waterfront, work and the bars. It was perfect. During most of my childhood, I was in love with the musician, Mary Chapin Carpenter. If you don’t know who she is, she is a country singer. Among her many hits are “Passionate Kisses”, “Come on Twist and Shout” and “He’ll Think He’ll Keep Her”.

Mary Chapin Carpenter happened to be playing at the Flynn Theatre one night. I knew this ahead of time but for some reason failed to buy a ticket. On the same night, I happened to be going out downtown with two of my good friends. They showed up at my apartment a little early and were well on their way to a great night by the time we decided to head to the bars. We have to walk by the side entrance to the Flynn on the way downtown… where the buses park… where her bus happened to be parked… where she happened to be sitting in the front seat eating a sandwich. SHE WAS IN THE FRONT SEAT EATING A SANDWICH! Here I was, back to being eight years old seeing Mary Chapin Carpenter eating a sandwich in the front of her tour bus and all that stood between us was a road and her tour bus door… and my two drunk friends. They were more than encouraging but I mean what do you say to someone you idolized as a child without sounding like a dork? And to be standing there with your two drunk friends. I drew a blank. I didn’t know what to do. Believe me, my friends were more than encouraging for me to go across the street and say hello but I chickened out. Whomp, Whomp.

Whenever I hear her name, I think back to that evening and say – I blew it. I think part of it was fear of my two drunk friends (even though I’m sure she would’ve just laughed at them) and that I envision her as this super nice person (which I’m sure she is) but I don’t ever want to be rejected that she was too busy with her sandwich to say hello. (I really don’t think she would do that, I’m just making excuses.) If I had a second chance, I wouldn’t let it get away again. It’s just something that you kind of have to laugh about it now.

So Mary Chapin Carpenter, if I ever happen to run into again, expect a complete stranger to come up to you and say that they loved you when they were eight. Thank you for making great music. Things that should’ve been said a few years ago.

Patty Griffin, Buddy Miller, 04-16-10 HOB, Dallas, TX

About a year ago I saw one of the best shows I could have experienced. I’ve been a pretty big Patty Griffin fan for a while and it seemed like whenever I was in Vermont, she wasn’t playing there and when I was in Texas she was in Vermont. Then one day I saw that she was playing at the House of Blues in Dallas and I was ecstatic! Finally we were going to be in the same place at the same time!

 A magnificent singer, songwriter and performer, you would be crazy not to want to perform or record with her. If you think that you haven’t heard her before, I beg to differ. You probably did and didn’t even know it. She’s had her music on various tv shows and movies, see here including Grey’s Anatomy and One Tree Hill and Elizabethtown.  She has also played with countless artists on their albums. You can probably pull a few out randomly and see for yourself. Patty Griffin is someone who everyone wants to perform with, at least once and will be one of the highlights of their career. She is soulful. When she sings you cannot believe such a strong, powerful voice comes out of such a little lady. Patty Griffin plays through her emotions, you know exactly how she is feeling and she makes you feel the exact same way. No matter what you are experiencing, what you are going through, she will lift you up and show you that she is right there with you.

Who is Buddy Miller? I am kind of ashamed to say I wasn’t really sure of who he was when I first heard of the show. What a mistake. He is absolutely amazing. I would say that Buddy Miller is someone who you would find hanging out playing guitar on stage. He won’t jump out for the spotlight but as soon as you hear him play his guitar, your eyes will be glued. He is one of the best guitarists I have ever seen. Singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, her has performed with Julie Miller (his wife), Steve Earle, LeeAnn Womack, Lucinda Williams and most recently Alison Krauss and Robert Plant. He will absolutely blow you away. Buddy Miller is phenomenal on the guitar. During the show I remember thinking how I wish some of my friends were there to experience it with me. They would have just died. His performance will mezmorize you.

Classic, phenomenal Americana music. They will make you reminise, sing along and get up and dance. It’s something that all music lovers should experience. Most recently Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller have been touring with Robert Plant’s, Band of Joy. If you ever have the opportunity to see them perform, grab it. You will love every second!

On Tap aka Lincoln Inn, Essex, VT

Back in 2007-2008, just about every Tuesday night my roommate and I use to go to the Lincoln Inn in Essex Junction. Now it’s known as On Tap. Why Tuesday’s? Well, each night of the week a live band would play, each night was a different genre. Tuesday’s happened to be bluegrass night. 🙂

Bluegrass night was run by Bob Degree who has a band of his own, Bob Degree and the Bluegrass Storm. Various Vermont bluegrass bands would play throughout the month, some that were familiar (Mad Mountain Scramblers) and some not so familiar.  We started going every Tuesday and they pretty much knew we were coming, making sure to save us a table and were ready with our usual orders (chicken strips with sweet potato fries and a side of honey mustard). Don’t forget a pint of Blackbeary Wheat or Switchback! It was the best time just hanging out with friends, listening to awesome music and drinking some great brews.

Last time I was home for the holidays, I met up with a few friends at On Tap. I was happy to see that they are still serving microbrews and having live music. There’s really nothing better than that atmosphere.

(March 2008)