Category Archives: Museum

George H.W. Bush Presidential Library

President George H.W. Bush (or Daddy Bush) was President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. It seems that some of the more recent President’s have established Presidential Libraries throughout the US. The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library was established in 1997.

Come to find out the “Library” is more of a museum than a library (who would’ve thought). As you walk through the museum we follow President Bush’s life, we get to know his family and learn where he found his values and what his parents were like, his childhood, his military career, how he met his wife, his family, and his career in politics. He now lives in Kennebunkport, Maine with his wife Barbara. (As a child, we vacationed in Maine yearly and I remember one year driving by his home and having the secret service tell us to turn around, kind of cool.)

The main purpose of our trip to College Station, Texas was to see the President Bush Presidential Library. Here are some highlights of our trip.

Upon arriving at the Library you will see how beautiful the building is itself…
“The Beast” may be the most classified car you may ever see…
… equipped with bullet proof windows (as thick as telephone books) and bullet proof tires where if they are shot the car can keep traveling. It also comes with a remote car starter with a bomb detector (I have one of these on my car too), self healing fuel tank, extra oxygen, and layered with kevlar throughout.
(Coming to a dealership near you in 2025).
A huge baseball lover, President Bush played baseball at Yale and even kept a glove in the top drawer of his desk while in office.
In 1947, the Bush’s bought this car for just under $1,700.00 and moved their family from Connecticut to Texas.
I made it just in time, the White House was expecting me. Little did I know I had a full day ahead…
A speech had to be made…(I think my point came across)…
… followed by a very important black tie dinner (my dress was cut out of the picture at the right)…
…unfortunately my dinner was cut short due to a very urgent top secret meeting I had to attend…
Back to the “library”, we were able to see President Bush’s office…
and reflect on his achievements…
This is part of the Berlin Wall which came down in 1989. This was remarkable to see.
We then found the library…children’s books.
You will also be able to see momentous from his year in the military, letters he sent home after his plane was shot down, family memories, the Gulf War, life in the White House and post White House. We even got to sit in a replica of his desk in the Oval Office and experience his love for sky diving. There is so much information, it is truly remarkable.
Finally, here is my favorite picture from the museum…
I think this was the highlight of his career!
Check it out – it is part of your history.

For More Info:
To see if a Presidential Library is near you: