Category Archives: Christmas

Just a Girl and Her Christmas Tree

Christmas time is the best time. I love it. One of my favorite things is decorating the Christmas tree. Growing up, we would always have a real tree. We would either go out back onto our land and cut one down or my dad and/or brother would find one elsewhere.

Christmas 2013Down here in Texas, things are a little different. Christmas tree farms are scarce. I actually have no idea where there is a Christmas tree farm. My “Texas Christmas Tree Farm” – well, I refer to it as Lowe’s. My experience is a little different.

My selection are those which are already pre-cut…

Christmas 2013I pick the lucky tree and place it on my “Texas Sleigh”….

Christmas 2013A nice employee bounds my tree and loads it into my car (just another reason why I love my Subaru)…

Christmas 2013I arrive home. Lug this tree up the stairs (this girl has muscles), attempts to put the tree into the tree stand only to find the bottom branches need to be trimmed. Good thing I’m a country girl and have a hand saw handy. Took care of that!

Christmas 2013Finally, tree is decorated, my apartment smells BEYOND fantastic and Christmas is officially here! And as far as ornaments go, I’m a random, throw everything on there kind of decorator. Each ornament represents something so it’s really nice to be able to reminisce on the years and events past!

Christmas 2013What’s your preference? Real or fake?

Tagged For Christmas!

Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year! I was recently tagged by Heather from Terrell Family Fun to participate in this great activity to get to know some of us bloggers a little better. Here we go!

  1. What is your first Christmas memory?
    I have no idea. That’s probably pretty bad. I always remember snow days and winter vacations consisting of sledding until we were forced to go inside, building snow caves and snowmen. If I could only go back to all that it would be amazing!
  2. What is the #1 item on your kid’s wish list?
    Not applicable. My niece on the other hand is 1 1/2 and I’m pretty sure she is all about baby dolls right now! (The newest niece is about a month and a half and I’m pretty sure she is content with naps and food that I can’t provide.)
  3. Were you scared / nervous of Santa as a kid or did you run right up to him?
    I don’t know… I’m going to have to ask my mom. I’m sure I was a little nervous. I’ve never been one to go stand somewhere where it draws attention in front of a crowd.
  4. Does Santa wrap his gifts or are they unwrapped and set up Christmas morning?
    Santa wraps all his gifts. I’ve only heard about this unwrapped business recently!
  5. Gift Bag or Wrapped Gifts?
    Wrapped for sure all with a note saying “From Santa”.
  6. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
    Charlie Brown Christmas & The Family Stone
  7. Does your family have an Elf on the Shelf?
    Nope. We’re good all year long so we don’t have to worry about that!
  8. What is your Christmas Eve tradition?
    I’m going to be completely honest… I still leave “Santa” a beer or beverage of choice and some cookies. Yes, I’m 29. (My dad loves it.)
  9. Do you stay home for Christmas or do have Christmas morning somewhere else?
    I go to my parents and my brother and his family come over.
  10. What is on your Christmas list this year?
    This was pretty hard. A new camera lens, lift tickets to the local mountain, some good ole VT microbrews, yoga towel. I enjoy surprises. Really, I just want to see some lifelong friends and hang out with the family and meet my newest niece. The best gifts are the ones you can’t buy.

Tagged For ChristmasRULES:
*  Answer the 10 questions the blogger who tagged you asked
*  Ask 10 questions to the 5-10 bloggers you tag
*  Go tag your 5-10 people
*  Include a fun Christmas Photo
*  Be sure to the link to your tag post to the blogger who tagged you’s comments {if I tagged you, leave the link in the comments of this post~if someone else tagged you, leave you link here, too and I’ll stop by}
*  Have fun!

1. Favorite Christmas memory.
2. Favorite Christmas baking item?
3. Real or fake tree?
4. Do you travel anywhere for Christmas?
5. Turkey or ham for dinner (or other)?
6. Favorite Christmas movie.
7. Any quirky traditions?
8. Stockings or no stockings?
9. Any particular gifts you are most excited about giving this year?
10. Do you have any special or favorite ornaments for the tree?

Tagging: Emily @ Dashboard Diary, Alyssa @ Ten Feet Off Beale, Sarah @ The Wanderblogger, Crystal @ Mason’s Mama and Becky @ The Java Mama!

Campo Verde, Arlington, TX

So, there’s a little Mexican restaurant over in Arlington, Texas that is known more for it’s decor during the holiday season than anything else. Have you heard of Campo Verde? I’ve been here before but never during Christmas and when I walked in, I couldn’t believe my eyes and seriously needed some shades!
The only things that weren’t decorated were the little Mexican guys on top of the building outside. Couldn’t believe they left them out!

I was having a lot of fun with these lights inside. How can you not?!

If you have a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit, keep this place in mind next year. It helped me out a little bit. If for nothing else, go grab a margarita. They were delicious!