Category Archives: Garden

Garden Update #2

My gardening skills are a hot mess.
Shouldn’t some of these little guys start producing soon or am I just being over anxious?
 Three of my nine (that’s right nine!) green pepper plants.
I love some green peppers!
 This little guy is problematic.
He is my last cilantro plant.
I once had four.
Now I have one.
“One is the loneliest number…”
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I can’t keep them alive.
Yes, I am watering them.
 Moving right along – this is Susie the Strawberry Plant.
I almost think the heat is warping my fruit.
My lettuce is actually doing pretty well.
Just ignore that parsley there :/
The onions in the back are still kicking it too.
 The gnome is still standing guard along with three other green pepper plants.
These guys are not as big as the others – I think it has to do with the amount of sun….
but if I move them, I warp the lettuce.
(Believe me, i’ve tried)
 One of the two tomato plants.
This guy has little flowers.
They are coming!
My memere keeps telling me gardening is in my blood so its bound to work out.
I’m hoping so – I’m not one that likes to fail.
Keep growing little buddies!
And I’ll keep watering…. and praying. 
Lots of praying.

My First Garden

Last fall, I was at a community garage sale and came across this patio planter. I’ve never planted a garden of my own, every flower plant I’ve purchased has died. I bought it anyway – let’s try this out… what’s the worst that could happen. As my Memere would say, gardening / farming is in my blood, it’s bound to work – just pay attention.

I’m use to the Vermont growing seasons, which is much, very much different than Texas. I’m going into this completely blind. With the help of a friend, I became a little more knowledgable and exchanged a few baby plants. Texas has two growing seasons, one in the spring and one in the fall. The summer the only thing you can do is cook and egg outside, it’s just too hot. My start had to being in February / March. I probably should’ve even started before this.

I began my plants, mostly from seeds, except for the tomato plants from Two Mom’s and a Kid and strawberry plants which I just had to replant. Green peppers, parsley, cilantro, lettuce all started from seeds. Yummy!

So with the help of my mom from this past weekend, we spruced up my patio garden a bit. Hopefully these little guys will really start to produce. We even added some cilantro to the mix! Now I’ll just dream about the deliciousness of these herbs and veggies!

Strawberries! My favorite!
 Green Peppers and the Gnome. The keeper of the garden!
 Red Onions and my little windmill to keep the birds out.
 Leafy Lettuce!
 Lettuce, Cilantro, Parsley, Yum!
 Some more green peppers!

Grow my little babies, grow!