Category Archives: Blog Series

Catch the Moment, Weeks 21-23

Each day in 2014, I am taking a photo. There is no telling what the photo will be or where the “inspiration” will come from. All photos are taken either with my Nikon D5100 or the iPhone (for those times on the go). Come back each Friday for a complete compilation of the past seven days and link to join / view others as part of the 365 projects!

Let’s just take the elephant out of the room and say I’m way behind on this. I fell off the wagon and the wagon drove off. Obviously, I haven’t been taking a photo everyday so I’ll just fill you in on some of the stuff that’s been going on. Not going to lie… these may all be with my phone. Get ready anyway, living is exciting!

May 23, 2014
I think this was the first band I ever saw in Texas and eight years later they’re still one of my favorites. Velvet Love Box – one of the best cover bands you’ll ever see. Ok, who are we kidding… the best cover band you’ll ever see!


May 25, 2014
The Leavitt Pavilion in Arlington holds free concerts outside at the park from May until September. It’s an incredible opportunity for the community! On this night, we sat in the rain for Charla Corn and Cody Canada and The Departed. Soaked. Do you need reminding of how hard it is to take wet jeans off? Let’s just say it’s a good thing I didn’t have to use the facilities while I was there!
LeavittPavilion037 May 31, 2014
I headed down to Austin to meet up with old friends, spend some time on Lake Austin and go camping. Made new friends and oh hey, saw a little fire dancing.
Fire-Dance, Lake-Austin, ATX, Emma-Long, Camping
June 4, 2014
A little Mickey and The Motorcars at the Capital Bar in Fort Worth? Oh don’t mind if I do! Always a guaranteed great show!
June 5, 2014

One of the best beer labels I’ve seen! If you are in Fort Worth – find yourself at the Bearded Lady. It’s greatness!
Great-Beer-Labels, Prairie-Beer, Beer,
June 7, 2014
Girls Night. Movie: A Fault In Our Stars. Drinks and dinner at BJ’s Restaurant. Enjoyed some delicious mahi-mahi.
June 8, 2014

Lighter Than Air benefit for CF at The Capital Bar in Fort Worth. Grady Spencer and the Work started it off, followed up by Steve Helms, Courtney Patton and Michael Padgett.

Michael-Padgett, Courtney-Patton, Steve-Helms, Texas-Country, Music, Fort-Worth, Capital-Bar, Lighter-Than-Air

Nurse Loves Farmer


Click It Up A Notch

DFW Bucket List: Take A Drive

DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Things-To-Do, Road-Trip, Drive, Country-Road

After living in Texas for six years (holy cow!), I’ve found the best way to “see” Texas is by taking a random drive. I’ve found, that this is a hard concept for some but you have to be willing to get out of your comfort zone and it’s totally worth it if you want to get a little glimpse of what Texas is all about! There’s no telling what you’ll see… ranches, oil rigs, cows, armadillos, tumbleweeds, cowboys (there’s a great Quicktrip gas station off 35 south that has lots of cowboys), etc.

DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Ranch, Signs

DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Ranch, Texas-Pride, BarnDFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Ranch, Texas-Ranch, Horses DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Ranch, Windmill

DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, Sunset, Barn, Texas-Drive

Every once in a while, we should all just go on a random drive. Better yet, if you’re on your way somewhere, give yourself extra time to explore! There’s no telling what you’ll come across or just how incredible it will be.

DFW-Bucket-List, Texas, DFW, Roadtrip, Texas-Drives

So what do you say? Let’s get in the car and go!


Today I’m linking up with Communal GlobalThe Jenny EvolutionPhotography Essentials and Create With Joy for {Wordless Wednesday}.

The Greenwood, Texas Dancehall & Saloon

Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, If you’re looking for a good spot to check out on a weekend drive, day trip, Texas road trip – this is your town and this is your stop!

The other weekend, I was on my way to Hico, passing through Bluff Dale, Texas. A tiny town, so tiny that if you blink you could very well miss it. This tiny town holds GEMS! I was previously told that I would love The Greenwood. I was later told again about The Greenwood and a popular restaurant in town. Well, I just happened to be passing through and I slowed down just long enough to turn down a dead end street to find the gem of all gems!

Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Dancehalls. I love them! Love really doesn’t cut it. I don’t think there’s just one thing that I love, I love everything but most of all, it’s the history that the walls hold. The people that have walked through the door, two-stepped across the old wooden floors, music that filled the air, along with laughter, banter and I’m sure there’s been a few arguments along the way.

Greenwood, Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns,

There’s an entire wall of photos. It’s pretty amazing the history in this Texas town!

Really, I’m pretty sure the look on my face was priceless. I LOVE places like this. I’m like a kid in a candy store. Something new, never before seen. It’s like walking into a different world. I just wanted to soak up everything in sight! Here, let me show you…

When you walk in, be ready!Bar-Counter, Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Taxidermy

Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Honestly, I was pretty excited about the moose! It’s not a typical Texas sight!
Taxidermy, Moose, Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, The Greenwood is the perfect place to grab a beer, sit back and just enjoy the Texas character. There’s a lot on the walls and you never know who you’ll meet sitting at the bar!

Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, BunnymanDancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, The inside is pretty amazing in itself but then there’s the entire outdoor aspect. Take a gander!Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Now I know what you’re saying, dancehall?! Where’s the band. Well, they were setting up as I was heading out. There’s room. Seriously, every town should have a watering hole such as this. Is this not the perfect spot to cool off on any afternoon?

A little bit Luckenbach, a little bit Gruene, a whole lotta Texas!

Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns, Until next time! I’ll be back (with friends)!Dancehall, Texas, Historic Places, Bar, Bluff-Dale, Small-Texas-Towns,