Category Archives: About Me

A Little About Me Questionnaire

Kelsey, over at Eat, Drink, Be a Tourist, recently posted a questionnaire and I thought it’d be fun for y’all to know a little more about me (and sometimes it’s just fun to answer random questions)!

So the way this works is I’ll answer Kelsey’s questions and then I’ll post a few of my own that I’d like to know about you! Be sure to add a comment with your answers or a link to your post with your answers/questions!

if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I’d go on a random roadtrip across the US, visiting small towns, baseball stadiums and random stops and I’d end in my hometown!

What makes you happy? Freedom, independence, being with friends and those who you care about and care about you, having a good time, animals, driving, music, love, my family, traveling, comments on my blog 🙂

What inspires you? Strong women, smiling children, an old couple holding hands, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

What is your dream job? Being outside, blogging / writing about traveling, music and food and having opportunities to check out as much as I can and to then share it with other readers!

Describe yourself in five words. Country, grounded, independent, curious, trustworthy.

What do you look forward to most in life? Being married and having a family.

What’s the first thing you do every day? Hit Snooze.

What would you do with a million dollars? Buy a house and a lot of land, make sure my parents, brother’s family and Memere are all taken care of, buy an old pickup truck, donate and just travel and relax.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Not a good question to ask at the moment so I’m going to pass. Looks can be decieving, I think love is truely found within a person, not just at first appearance.

Who is your biggest role model & why? I don’t have just one so I’ll combine their qualities – they are all those who are independent, who stayed true to themselves and didn’t need anything fancy in life to feel like they’ve accomplished anything. They are those who put others before themselves, have values and morals and find the good in all.

Describe your perfect first date. A hockey game or take me on a country drive, fishing, eating BBQ and ending at a dancehall. (Think I’ve been in Texas too long?!)

My questions for you:
Where is your “happy” place?
What’s your greatest accomplishment?
What is your biggest goal for yourself?
Describe yourself in five words.
What would you do if you only had one more day?
What is your favorite restaurant / meal?
Where would you most like to visit in North America?
What is the best concert/show you’ve ever seen?
What is your greatest fear?
What motivates/inspires you?

Be sure to add a comment with your answers or a link to your post with your answers/questions and don’t forget to head over to Kelsey’s blog to find out a little more about her!