BlogHer brings about many opportunities to network. Get out there and meet other bloggers who you’ve become friends with online, bloggers who you are meeting for the first time at the event and, as always, the sponsors. Parties are a huge deal. Not only the parties hosted by event sponsors but the private, invite only parties.
I only knew one other blogger that was attending the event, and I was rooming with her. I walked away with so much more. I met her friends, I made new friends and most of all, I made some travel blogging friends!
Liz from Yes/No Films and I at the CheeseburgHer party in the Presidential Suite at the Sheraton Hotel.Parties.
Cracker Barrel Cheese – Not only did we receive a demonstration on how to pair and present food, we also met Top Chef 2012’s Runner-up, Sarah Grueneberg and had a Food Network Challenge of our own! We each received a box and had to make it work. (I had Valentine’s Day)

Thanks for the shoutout! 🙂
I think my fave parties were also Yappem and the cheese challenge, surprisingly. I also enjoyed the McD party but didn’t stay that long, I think they had the best food (not McD food, but similar themes!).
Liz recently posted…CONTEST: Cracker Barrel Cheese, and How I Learned to Cook
It was all so fun!
Heather recently posted…Chatham, Cape Cod { Cape Cod Series }