27 in 27 – A Year in Review

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Today is my last official full day of being 27. It’s been one heck of a year and I thought what better than to look back at some of my favorite moments.
#1 I became Auntie Diana to the most beautiful little girl in the world. (This is my favorite moment!)
The rest are in no particular order:
2. I was able to go home multiple times to have lots of fun with family and friends, including my brother’s wedding. You can see a couple here and here.
3. ACL 2012. (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3)
4. Helping out with the Miracle League.
5. Dirty River Boys!! Love. If you have a chance to see these guys, definitely do!
6. Explored my green thumb side. My Memere says it runs in my blood so there’s gotta be something good there!
7. Saw some of the craziest homes in DFW who go ALL out for the holidays.
9. Headed up to NH for my favorite roomie’s wedding (and fell in love with Portsmouth)
11. Things to see in life: World’s Littlest Skyscraper… yep we can check that one off the list.
12. Need some beer – head to the World of Beer. My microbrew home in Texas.
13. Wanna chase some tornado’s? This was step one.
14. My addiction begins and grows: Women’s USA Soccer!
15. March 16, 2012 marks four years since my arrival in Texas.
16. Traveled to Tennessee for the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh to see Tyler.
17. Memphis – you are lovely! Beale Street and The Peabody!
18. The BEST BBQ, period. Rendezvous – you and I are too far apart.
19. 2nd Annual Brown Crawfish Boil. (Well 2nd to me.) Delicious and THANK YOU Mr. Brown!
20. I got to be a judge in the Texas Steak Cookoff!
21. The Lumineers. You’re shows are selling out – the show we saw was unforgettable.
22. The infatuation with Duck Commander begins.
23. Millie and Mom & Dad’s visit!
26. I found my doppelganger (and she’s an Olympian)!
What an AMAZING year. Blessed.
It went by way too fast but I can’t wait to see what 28 brings!

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